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En entretien ou en soin des structures molles (fourchettes, ligne blanche, glomes) : Pediplaste assainit le dessous du pied et renforce la corne grâce au miel, à l’oxyde de zinc et aux huiles essentielles. Sa texture épaisse et facile d’application crée une barrière protectrice, isolant le pied d’environnement humide. >
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High performance insect repellent

26.5 €

Home » Shop » Fly control » EMOUCHINE TOTAL
  • Produit EMOUCHINE TOTAL gamme Fly control
Home » Shop » Fly control » EMOUCHINE TOTAL


The new Emouchine Total formula incorporates a patented innovative technology which, thanks to the micro-encapsulation of the active... Read more
  • High performance repellent
  • New patented technology
  • Micro encapsulated repellent active ingredient from lemon Eucalyptus
  • All insect types: flies, mosquitoes, horseflies, ticks
  • Made in France
  • 100% recycled plastic bottle
  • Refill system enabling you to keep your empty bottle and to reuse it
Dès 26.50
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The new Emouchine Total formula incorporates a patented innovative technology which, thanks to the micro-encapsulation of the active ingredient extracted from Lemon Eucalyptus, frees you from the insects with a lasting effect.
These billions of microcapsules, invisible to the bare eye, considerably enhances the active ingredients’ effectiveness. Thanks to a continued diffusion , Emouchine Total gives you long-lasting protection.
Effective against flies, mosquitoes, horseflies, louse flies, ticks… Very nice fresh scent!

•Fixation of microcapsules (plastic-free) on the coat
•Immediate and progressive release, creating an instant protective shield.

Shake well before use to disperse the microcapsules. Spray around forty times per use, directly onto the coat of your horse avoiding the mucous membranes.

Emouchine Total is non-staining and non-sticky and has a very pleasant fragrance. Do not apply with a sponge or hand to maximise the integrity of the capsules.

Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil, hydrated/cyclized (CAS: 1245629-80-4) 4.51%, Lavender, Lavandula hybrida, ext. (CAS: 294-470-6) 0.33%.

Contains biocidal products: Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil, hydrated/cyclized (CAS: 1245629-80-4) 4.51%, Lavender, Lavandula hybrida, ext. (CAS: 294-470-6) 0.33%.

Caution: Contains biocidal products: Eucalyptus Citriodora Oil, hydrated/cyclized (CAS: 1245629-80-4, 4,51%, TP: 19), Lavender oil (CAS; 294-470-6, 0,33%, TP19).
Safety advice: keep out of reach of children. Read the label before use. Avoid disposing of this product in the environment. Collect the released product. Dispose of this product in a specific or dangerous waste collection center, according to the local, regional, national and/or international regulations. Keep it in its origin packaging. Long storage stability: 24 months in cool, non freezing temperature. DO NOT LEAVE THE CONTAINER IN THE SUN, SENSITIVE TO HEAT. Make use of biocidal products with care. Before use, please read the label and information regarding the product.


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