Votre routine soins cutanés
En entretien ou en soin des structures molles (fourchettes, ligne blanche, glomes) : Pediplaste assainit le dessous du pied et renforce la corne grâce au miel, à l’oxyde de zinc et aux huiles essentielles. Sa texture épaisse et facile d’application crée une barrière protectrice, isolant le pied d’environnement humide. >
loader laboratoire ravenne


With a very large distribution network throughout the country, Ravene products are accessible to everyone. Independent tack shops, chain stores, sports shops and agricultural suppliers... There are bound to be Ravene products available near you!


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  • Tack shops
  • agricultural supplies stores
  • sports goods stores

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Interested in selling Ravene products?

Interested in selling Ravene products?

Interested in selling Ravene products?

Do you, as a rider, know the benefits of each of our products on the well-being of horses?
Do you own a tack- or specialised shop, and would like to boost your sales with a brand from a dynamic, innovative laboratory?

Expand your business by becoming an authorised Ravene dealer, offering your customers a wide choice of products combining science and nature.
Ravene accompanies and supports you in the sale of its products with:

  • Providing you with sales and communication material
  • Animations
  • 20% average annual sales growth
  • Attending major international events
  • Over 100K followers on social medias

Partner up with a trustworthy and experienced laboratory.

fill the form to become a Ravene reseller

Ravene: a trusted and experienced partner

The security of a renowned brand, owned by the Audevard Laboratories, dedicated to horse care for over 35 years.

The n°1 independent horse care brand in France.
Vet-standard quality products designed by experts.


Tested and promoted by international riders.

Short delivery time.

Innovative products, easy to understand and pleasing to use.

The brand is highly present on social medias.

Product descriptions are translated in 8 to 11 languages.

It is possible to tailor products to the local regulations and marketing.

discover our know-how
Ravene: a trusted and experienced partner
  • +1000

    Points de vente

  • +600

    Tack shops

  • +300

    Magasins de sports

  • 5

    Selleries partenaires en ligne

Become a Ravene retailer

Would you like to be a part of our big Ravene family?
Fill in this application form and we will get back to you after reviewing your request.

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